This Wednesday, February 12 we will meet in order to pick a movie to be screened on March 25. Our meeting will be at 7 PM at the Queen Theatre. Please remember that in order to celebrate Women's History Month, all of the movies pitched this month should be movies directed by women. In order for our meeting to run smoothly, please submit a trailer ahead of time if you plan to show one. Remember that you can click on the button below to send us a link to a trailer. As was done in our previous meeting, we will have one of our members present their contribution to a previous Queen Quarterly issue.
Please click below to see the trailer for this month's movie.
Pitching and selecting our movies.
Pitching and choosing a Member-Picked Flick will happen as it has in the past.
Once the movies have been ranked, a committee will start with the first movie and make sure that it meets certain criteria:
The cost of acquiring the movie must not exceed $250.
The movie will be evaluated by a committee to make sure that it does not contain material that would be considered detrimental to the future of the organization or the Queen Theatre (ex.pornography or hate speech).
If the movie does not adhere to all of these points, the same considerations will be made of the movie that was ranked immediately below.
Keep telling your friends about us so that we can have a larger membership and continue to secure funds for more of our screenings!
Greetings Cinephiles!
As you all know, March is Women's History Month and we will be asking for all of your pitches next week to be about movies made by Women. In an effort to try to encourage you to explore movies before our meetings, we are including a list of possibilities. You do not need to pick a movie from the list. We simply offer it up as a reminder of what is out there. We are excited to hear what movies you have in mind for March. Have a great week and look out for another email early next week!
The Queen's Film Society
Bryan, Texas
© 2020 The Queen's Film Society. All Rights Reserved.